KBR, Inc. (formerly kellogg brown & root)
the posters are visual references to WWII Army propaganda. However, they also represent the ironic and mostly overlooked aspects of the war in Iraq and my personal experience in general - the significant presence of western defense contractors in the the middle east.
kbr poster (toaster) - was a sign that I often saw in the dining facility. The messaging is a reference to someone making the obvious mistake of putting a donut into a toaster and ruining both. But also an allegory to the US war as well, "don’t force something into a structure for which it wasn’t designed…” formally, I wanted to the represent white hands placing a brown donut into a black toaster - a subjective nod to the way the US exports anti black policies through its foreign policy.
the nondescript poster represents the timelessness of US occupation / economic and foreign policy with third world nations, as well as Vietnam being a familiar historical reference to the wars in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Kbr poster (toaster)
flashe and screenprint ink on paper
33 inches x 22 inches

Kbr poster (toaster ii)
flashe and screenprint ink on paper
33 inches x 22 inches

Kbr poster i
screenprint ink on paper
33 inches x 22 inches

Kbr poster ii
flashe and screenprint ink on paper
33 inches x 22 inches