democratic paradox
paintings based on the nuances of personal experiences serving as a soldier in the US Army in Iraq and living abroad. This series considers America’s historical engagement with non-western societies and challenging western representations of non-Europeans in the Middle East. Also reconsidering the US perspective as a global power through the repreentations of brances of government.

sam (arabic translator), acrylic and flashe on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

citizen labor (iraqi), acrylic and flashe on linen, 8x10 inches, 2018

kbr (migrant labor ii), flashe on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

juliette (arabic translator) acrylic and flashe on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

building Dreamland, or Camp Baharia, Fallujah, Iraq, acrylic on panel, 8x10 inches, 2018

mlinzi (ugandan security), flashe and oil stick on panel, 10x10 inches, 2018

untitled, flashe on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

untitled ii, flashe on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

migrant labor (bangladesh) flash on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

migrant labor (contractor), flashe on canvas, 8x10 inches, 2018

migrant labor (india), flashe on linen, 8x10 inches, 2018